Research data
![[Translate to Englisch:] Photo: Janneke Staaks](/fileadmin/media/csm_forschungsdaten_9a2f2f754f.jpg)
Additional to the the e-publishing offer for articles, books and journals, Propylaeum provides classical scholars with the opportunity to archive the respective research data permanently. These can be linked directly to online publications hosted on the Heidelberg publishing platforms. All research data – e.g. images, videos, audio files, tables, graphics etc. – receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifiyer). Thus, they can be cited, viewed and permanently linked to as distinct academic output.
Long-term archiving of research data is central to good academic practice: It is necessary for the fundamental accountability of research findings that are based on respective data. Furthermore, the archiving makes it possible for the data to be used in further research projects in the future.
Images, audio and video data as well as other multimedia objects are either saved in the UB operated platform heidICON or integrated into the UB’s sustainably hosted Heidelberg digitization system DWork. Further data publications are available in Propylaeum@heiDATA and are integrated dynamically from there into the online publication. In the future, not just the publications themselves but also the accompanying media examples will be sustainably archived in the OAIS-compatibly long-term archiving system heiARCHIVE which is currently being developed by the Heidelberg University Computing Centre and Heidelberg University Library in its joint research data competence centre (KDF). The code of the software used in the context of the publications can also be permanently published and archived on heiDATA.
If you would like to archive already existing research data or are planning a new research project, do not hesitate to contact us.
Examples for research data:
Examples for research data:
Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais: „… ubique naufragium …? Aspekte und Bedeutungen von Schiffsdarstellungen im Grab. I. Zentralität versus Peripheralität in den Bilddiskursen der römischen Zeugnisse” unter der DOI doi:10.11588/data/OOC0ZI
Christian Lau: „Zur Keramikchronologie der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Ostwestfalen anhand der Siedlungen von Enger, Hüllhorst und Kirchlengern im Ravensberger Land” (Archäologische Berichte, Band 25), 2014 unter der DOI doi:10.11588/data/10016
Nenad Tasić, Miroslav Marić, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, u.a.: „Vinča-Belo Brdo, Serbia: The times of a tell” unter der DOI doi:10.11588/data/10081
All data publications in Propylaeum@heiDATA