Heidelberg Digital Resources for Aegean Archaeology

This website aspires to provide a manifold digital apparatus for specialists, students and laymen who are interested in Aegean Archaeology. Its main objectives are:
- to systematically collect web resources relevant to Aegean Archaeology (websites, databases, news for conferences or other scientific activities, etc.) and
- to present them in a well-structured manner that makes them easily accessible by means of different search engines.
In order to avoid overlapping and to expand the resources and services already provided by other websites or fora on Aegean Archaeology such as NESTOR, AEGAEUS, and AEGEANET, our main focus will be on the development of a comprehensive open-source digital library. This shall mainly include a rich collection of old printed publications relevant to Aegean Archaeology whose intellectual property rights have expired. They will be digitized and made accessible in Open Access with full-text search. The digital library will be also accepting new manuscripts for online publication.
Suggestions for the digitization of old books are most welcome! Please contact Maria Effinger or Diamantis Panagiotopoulos.