Within the framework of the current funding round by the DFG Popylaeum also provides nationwide access to digital media subject to license. Together with the Kompetenzzentrum Lizenzierung (KfL) we chose suitable products, negotiated with the providers and licensed them. Via so-called „FID-Lizenzen“ these offers are made available supra-regionally for research specific user groups where access is granted for individual users affiliated with an institution.
The following products are available for users of Propylaeum:
- Databases
- Brill Online Dictionaries (Brill)
- Byzantinische Bibliographie Online (De Gruyter)
(no access available for students) - Eustathius of Thessalonica, Commentaries on the Iliad and the Odyssey (Brill)
- Eustathius of Thessalonica, Commentary on the Iliad (→ Login for individuals after successful registration:
- Eustathius of Thessalonica, Commentary on the Odyssey (→ Login for individuals after successful registration:
- Gregory of Nyssa (Brill)
- Gregorii Nysseni Opera Online (→ Login for individuals after successful registration:
- Lexicon Gregorianum Online (→ Login for individuals after successful registration:
- eHRAF Archaeology (HRAF - Human Relations Area Files / Yale University)
- eBooks
- Archaeopress - Selected E-Books in Archaeology: 159 eBooks
- Casalini - Torrossa-eBooks: 124 eBooks
- C.H. Beck eLibrary: 138 eBooks
- Florida Scholarship Online - Archaeology Collection: 38 eBooks
- JSTOR E-Books in Classical Studies: 115 eBooks
- Oxford Scholarship Online - Classical Studies: 150 eBooks
- ProQuest Ebook Central: 1573 eBooks (Brill, Mohr Siebeck, Princeton University Press u.a.)
- Tusculum Online: 273 eBooks (no access available for students)
- University Presses Scholarship Online - Archaeology Collections: 68 eBooks
Our "Schaufenster FID-Lizenzen - Altertumswissenschaften" gives you an easily accessible overview of the individual titles within the range. From the respective hit you can – if you have registered accordingly – directly access the full text.

You can access this full-text service if you have registered and are a member of the authorised user group.
The authorised user group includes
- all members of institutes of German universities, dedicated to Ancient Studies (Ancient History, Assyriology, Byzantine Studies, Classical Archaeology, Egyptology, Greek Philology, Hittitology, Classical, Medieval and Neo-Latin Philology, Near Eastern Archaeology and Pre- and Early History)
- all members of the following professional associations with residence in Germany
- AGLMA – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lateinisches Mittelalter
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung Byzantinischer Studien (DAFBS)
- Deutscher Altphilologenverband (DAV)
- Deutscher Archäologen-Verband (dArV)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte (DGUF)
- Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (DOG)
- Mediävistenverband
- Mommsen-Gesellschaft (MG)
- Die Neulateinische Gesellschaft (DNG)
- Verband der Ägyptologie (VÄ)
- Verein Spätantike Archäologie und Byzantinische Kunstgeschichte (SABK)
- The list is not complete. Even if you are not member of one of the mentioned associations, you can get access to the full text offers.
- all members of non-university research institutions (academies, research institutes, etc.), cross-institutional research associations and museums specialising in archaeology, as well as state and municipal archaeologies
- all members of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and its international departments
- other individuals with a specialisation in ancient studies
To prove that you are a member of the authorised user group, please use your institutional email address when registering. If the institution or user group to which you belong does not provide an institutional email address, please confirm that you belong to that institution or user group with a voluntary disclosure.
If you are not sure or have any questions, please contact us ( or
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To access these offers please register by clicking this Link.