Bibliography Augusta Vindelicum
This database indexes scientific literature on the city of Augsburg during the Roman period.
For a long time, Gerd Rupprecht’s bibliography on Roman Augsburg (published in: Gunther Gottlieb, Das römische Augsburg, Schriften der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Universität Augsburg 21) was a key instrument for any research on the topic. Since an update was last made for the second edition of this work, which was published in 1984, a reworking was long overdue. However, a new edition in print form no longer seemed an advisable option today. In a short time, it would have been outdated again and it would not have allowed searches for specific topics without a complicated index system. The present database should now provide all interested users with a modern and constantly updated tool.
The bibliography is hosted and operated by UB Heidelberg as part of the DFG-funded project "Propylaeum - Specialized Information Service Classics". The Chair of Ancient History of the University of Augsburg is responsible for data maintenance. Error messages or requests for addenda can be communicated at any time by e-mail.
The development of the database was generously funded by the Kurt und Felicitas Viermetz Stiftung, the Kurt-Bösch-Stiftung and the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universität Augsburg.