
Overview of Propylaeum eJOURNALS A-Z


Are you searching for a digital platform for your electronic journal?

By means of the software Open Journal Systems (OJS) Propylaeum offers a digital (technical) platform for the publication of electronic journals. This service is offered for researchers of classical studies worldwide.

  • The University Library Heidelberg provides the fundamental set up and the web hosting of the software Open Journal Systems (OJS) as a digital technical platform for your journal.
  • We implement your choice of design adjustments. It thus is possible to achieve an individual online appearance of the electronic journal within the set framework of OJS.
  • We offer introductions to the application and use of OJS, its functions and work processes on site at the University Library Heidelberg.

The open source software OJS is a service provided by the international "Public Knowledge Project". The software covers the complete submission, editorial and reviewing processes for the publication of an electronic journal. Starting with the submission of an article or contribution, followed by the organization of the peer reviewing process and ending with the publication of each volume all steps can be managed comfortably over a web browser. OJS’s user surface can be used in several languages.

OJS is being advanced constantly within the DFG project "Nachhaltige OJS-Infrastruktur zur elektronischen Publikation wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften".

If you are interested in our services, contact us. It does not matter if your open access e-journal is still in planning or if an already existing print version of the journal is to be converted into an electronic version.