GNOMON Bibliographic Database

The Gnomon Bibliographic Database (GBD) is one of the most extensive database systems in Classical Studies, comprising over 750.000 entries of specialized literature and publications on the history of scholarship. The GBD includes monographs, anthologies, articles in journals, reviews and encyclopaedias in all relevant academic languages, searchable in detail with a comprehensive multilingual thesaurus (currently ca. 25.000 keywords). A unique feature of the GBD is its cataloguing of YouTube contents and online resources.

The Gnomon Bibliographic Database is serviced by the two chairs of Ancient History at the University of Eichstätt and the University of Augsburg. Its editors are Prof. Dr. Jürgen Malitz and Prof. Dr. Gregor Weber. Personnel of both chairs share the workload of indexing.

As part of the Propylaeum program the GBD was migrated to B3Kat, the union catalogue of the “Bibliotheksverbund Bayern” (BVB) and the “Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg” (KOBV) from 2016 to 2018. So starting with April 2018 all accessions of libraries in the BVB or the KOBV are analysed for acquisition, supplemented by records from Tübingen and London.

Provided by the Bavarian State Library, the search interface grants an up-to-date access to all records. These are also embedded in the metasearch of PropylaeumSearch.

Now that the GBD’s migration to B3Kat is complete, all records are free for subsequent use under CCO licence by an Open Data transfer of the union catalogue.


All records of the Gnomon Bibliographic Database are searchable via the central research portal PropylaeumSearch.