Sektion 8: Die Rolle der Stadt in der antiken Wirtschaft: städtische Infrastruktur, Stadt-Umlandbeziehung
Panel 8.1: The storage in urban economy: Rome and its ports
Panel 8.3: Shops, Workshops and Urban Economic History in the Roman World
Panel 8.4: The economics of urbanism in the Roman East
Panel 8.5: The economics of urbanism in the Roman West
Panel 8.6: Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia: Cities and Hinterland in Roman and Byzantine Times
Panel 8.10: The aesthetics of urban production and trade
Panel 8.12: Roman Street and Urban Economy
Panel 8.16: City and territory in ancient Sicily
Panel 8.17: Roman shops and workshops
Panel 8.18: Roman water management and infrastructure
Panel 8.19: Economy of Judaea-Palestine
Panel 8.20: Social groups as economic actors
Panel 8.21: City and countryside in the Roman East
Panel 8.22: Transformation of rural landscapes in the Roman and Late Antique West