Letters of the von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff Family

The digital edition contains transcripts of approximately 600 letters of the Greek scholar Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff and his mother Ulrike née von Calbo that have not come down to us, supplemented by letters to and from relatives as well as family friends. The correspondence spans the years from 1851 to 1879. The correspondence covers the years from 1851 to 1879. The transcripts were generously provided by Erdmann von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff.

All letters are provided as image digitisations of both typescript transcripts. In addition, a line-by-line transcription of the second copy is provided, which, although younger, was supplemented and corrected in some places on the basis of the autographs still available at the time; information on persons, corporate bodies and places (each accessible via its own index) can be accessed via pop-up windows. Links to relevant dictionaries are provided directly in the transcription, and further notes and explanations are given in footnotes. Before using the edition, please consult the edition guidelines.

The editors are grateful for any corrections and additions. They should be sent to: stefan.rebenich@unibe.ch

Please cite this edition as follows:

Briefwechsel von Ulrich und Ulrike von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff - digital, edited with the collaboration of Christian Gildhoff and Lena-Sophie Margelisch by Julian Köck and Stefan Rebenich,
Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2022. (https://doi.org/10.11588/edition.mwm)