3. Texterschließung

3.1 Allgemein

Andrews, T. / Macé, C. (Hg.) (2014): Analysis of ancient and medieval texts and manuscripts: digital approaches. Turnhout: Brepols. (= Lectio)


3.2 Manuskripte

Dreyer, B. (2007): The Arrian parchment in Gothenburg: new digital processing methods and initial results. In: Heckel, W. / Tritle, L. A. / Wheatley, P. V. (Hg.): Alexander’s empire: formulation to decay. Claremont (Calif.): Regina Books, S. 245–263.

Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (2006): La fotografia applicata a manoscritti greci di difficile lettura: origini ed evoluzione di uno strumento di ricerca e i principi metodologici che ne regolano l’uso. In: Escobar, A. (Hg.): El palimpsesto grecolatino como fenómeno librario y textual. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, Fundación de la Diputación de Zaragoza, S. 65–80. (= Publicación de la Institución Fernando el Católico)

Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (2007): Leggere manoscritti palinsesti nell’era digitale: nuove prospettive di ricerca e vecchi  roblem. In: Citti, F. / Del Vecchio, T. (Hg.): Papers on grammar. 9, 3. From manuscript to digital text: problems of interpretation and markup. Proceedings of the colloquium (Bologna, june 12th 2003). Roma: Herder, S. 35–60.


3.3 Papyri

Bagnall, R. S. / Worp, K. A. (2013): „Chrysos bourdonon”: SB 16.12828 revisited. In: The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 50, S. 261–264.

Booras, S. W. / Chabries, D. M. (2001): The Herculaneum Scrolls. In: Imaging Science and In: Technology Reporter 17.2, S. 1–4.

Booras, S. W. / Seely, D. R. (1999): Multispectral Imaging of the Herculaneum Papyri. In: Cronache Ercolanesi 29, S. 95–100.

Brun, E. / Cotte, M. / Wright, J. / Ruat, M. / Tack, P. / Vincze, L. / Ferrero, C. / Delattre, D. / Mocella, V. (2016): Revealing Metallic ink in Herculaneum Papyri. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, S. 3751–3754. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1519958113)

Caine, M. / Magen, M. (2011): Pixels and Parchment: The application of RTI and infrared imaging to the Dead Sea Scrolls. In: Dunn, S. / Bowen, J. P. / Ng, K. (Hg.): Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2011), S. 140–146.

Chabries, D. M. / Booras, S. W. / Bearman, G. H. (2003): Imaging the Past: Recent applications of multispectral imaging technology to deciphering manuscripts. In: Antiquity 77 (296), S. 359–372. (DOI: 10.1017/S0003598X00092346)

Earl, G. / Basford, P. J. / Bischoff, A. S. / Bowman, A. / Crowther, C. / Hodgson, M. / Martinez, K. / Isaksen, L. / Pagi, H. / Piquette, K. E. / Kotoula, E. (2011): Reflectance Transformation Imaging Systems for Ancient Documentary Artefacts. In: Bowen, J. P. / Dunn, S. / Ng, K. (Hg.): EVA London 2011: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts: Proceedings of a conference held in London 6–8 July, London.

Hanneken, T. (2016): New Technology for Imaging Unreadable Manuscripts and Other Artifacts: Integrated Spectral Reflectance Transformation Imaging (Spectral RTI). In: Clivaz, C. / Dilley, P. / Hamidović, D. (Hg.): Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture Digital Biblical Studies. Leiden: Brill, S. 180–195.

Kotoula, E. (2014): Papyrus RTI Case Study. (http://acrg.soton.ac.uk/blog/3974/)

Kotoula, E. (2013): Transmitted RTI. (http://acrg.soton.ac.uk/blog/2796/)

Kotoula, E. (2012): Infrared RTI: Experimentation towards the development of multispectral RTI. (http://acrg.soton.ac.uk/blog/1569/)

Macfarlane, R. / Del Mastro, G. / Booras, S. / Antoni, A. (2007): Update Report on the Use of the Multi-spectral Images of the Herculaneum Papyri. In: Frösén, J. / Purola, T. / Salmenkivi, E. (Hg.): Proceedings of the XXIV International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki 2007, S. 579–586. (= Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 122)

Mocella, V. / Brun, E. / Ferrero, C. / Delattre, D. (2015): Revealing Letters in Rolled Herculaneum Papyri by X-ray Phase-contrast Imaging. In: Nature Communications 6 (id 5895).

Oates, J. F. (1999): Reading invisible ink: digital imaging of P. Duk. Inv. 716. In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, S. 127–130.

Piquette, K. E. / Dahl, J. L. / Green, J. E. M. (2011): Exploring Ancient Writings at the Ashmolean Museum with Advanced Digital Technologies. (http://www.ashmolean.eu/departments/antiquities/research/research/rtisad/)

Piquette, K. E. (2017): Illuminating the Herculaneum Papyri: Testing new imaging techniques on unrolled  arbonized manuscript fragments. In: Digital Classics Online 3.2, S. 80-102.

Seales, W. B. / Griffioen, J. / Baumann, R. / Field, M. (2011): Analysis of Herculaneum Papyri with X-Ray Computed Tomography. In: International Conference on Non-destructive Investigations and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of Cultural and Environmental Heritage.

Tack, P. / Cotte, M. / Bauters, S. / Brun, E. / Banerjee, D. / Bras, W. / Ferrero, C. / Delattre, D. / Mocella, V. / Vincze, L. (2016): Tracking Ink Composition on Herculaneum Papyrus Scrolls: Quantification and speciation of lead by X-ray based techniques and Monte Carlo simulations. In: Scientific Reports 6 (id 20763)

Tarte, S. M. (2011): Papyrological Investigations: Transferring perception and interpretation into the digital world. In: Lit Linguist Computing 26.2, S. 233–247.

Ware, G. A. / Chabries, D. M. / Christiansen, R. W. / Martin, C. E. (2002): Multispectral Document Enhancement: Ancient carbonized scrolls. In: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2000. Proceedings. IEEE 2000 International, vol. 6, S. 2486–2488. (DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2000.859615)

Worp, K. A. (2014): P.Lund. 4.13. In: The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 51, S. 198.

3.4 Epigraphische Überlieferungsträger

Lamé, M. / Sarullo, G. / Boschetti, F. (2015): Technology & tradition: a synergic approach to deciphering, analyzing and annotating epigraphic writings. In: Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica 33, S. 9–30.

3.5 Sonstige Überlieferungsträger

Bowman, A. K. / Tomlin, R. S. O. / Worp, K. A. (2009): „Emptio bovis Frisica”: the „Frisian ox sale” reconsidered. In: The Journal of Roman Studies 99, S. 156–170.

Iozzo, M. (2018): Hidden inscriptions on Athenian vases. In: American Journal of Archaeology 122, S. 397–410.

Kunčer, D. (2017): Tabella plumbea Traguriensis: an example of rural magic from Dalmatia? In: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57, S. 83–97.


3.6 Automatische Texterkennung

Robertson, B. (2019): Optical Character Recognition for Classical Philology. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 117-136. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

White, N. (2013): Training Tesseract for Ancient Greek OCR. The Eutypon 28–29, S. 1–11.