HOMO TEXTOR: Weaving as Technical Mode of Existence
22. August 2019
17th-18th September 2019, Kerschensteiner Kolleg, Deutsches Museum, Munich
The Research Institute for the History of Technology and Science at Deutsches Museum, Munich, and the ERC Consolidator project ‘PENELOPE: Weaving as Technical Mode of Existence’ are happy to announce the conference 'HOMO TEXTOR: Weaving as Technical Mode of Existence'. HOMO TEXTOR is an interdisciplinary conference rethinking ancient weaving and pattern technologies as paradigms for order in ancient Greece and exploring ancient weaving as a technē at the junction of art, craft and technology. We want to address ways in which the distinctive logic of weaving and its patterns shapes modes of thinking about order in a range of domains.
The conference will take place at the Kerschensteiner Kolleg of Deutsches Museum, Munich, Museuminsel 1, 80538. Attendance is free; for registration please contact g.fanfani@deutsches-museum.de
Tuesday 17th September
09:00 Coffee and registration
09:15 – 10:30 Introductory part
- Welcome by Helmuth Trischler (Deutsches Museum)
- Ellen Harlizius-Klück (Deutsches Museum) ‘HOMO TEXTOR: an Introduction’
- Margarita Gleba (Cambridge) ‘Archaeology of Textile Production and Consumption in Archaic Greece: State of the Art and Future Directions’
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:30 – 12:15 Weaving as Order in Ancient Greece – Part 1
- Kalliope Sarri (Athens) ‘Modular Patterns: a Survey on the Textile Origin of Neolithic Design’
- Deborah Steiner (Columbia) ‘Temple Dressing: Sacred Architecture and Textile Design’
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 – 15:00 Weaving as Order in Ancient Greece – Part 2
- Adeline Grand-Clément (Toulouse) ‘Poikilia, Geometry, and the Patterns of Nature in Greek Archaic Mind’
- Giovanni Fanfani (Deutsches Museum) ‘How Poetry Appropriates Technology: One Methodological Point in the Study of the Vocabulary of Ancient Weaving’
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 17:45 The Textile Production of Weaving and Song
- Annapurna Mamidipudi (Deutsches Museum) ‘Touch, Memory and Song: Knowledge of the Socio-Technical Ensemble of Weaving’
- Anthony Tuck (Amherst MA) ‘Woven Witness: Mnemonics, Textiles, and the Myth of Philomena’
- Gregory Nagy (CHS, Harvard) ‘Reflections on References to Textile Technology in the Diction of Archaic Greek Lyric and Epic’ (via Skype)
Wednesday 18th Septmeber
09:00 Coffee
09:15 – 10:45 The Textile Production of Knowledge and Science - Part 1
- Ellen Harlizius-Klück (Deutsche Museum) ‘The Rapport of Weaving and Geometry in Archaic Greece‘
- Lars Hallnäs (Borås) ‘The Textile Expression Gap’
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 The Textile Production of Knowledge and Science – Part 2
- Denise Y. Arnold (La Paz) ‘Comparative Reflections on Andean Weaving as Science’
- Victoria Mitchell (Norwich) ‘Braiding and Dancing: Embodied Rhythm and
the Matter of Pattern’
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 – 15:00 Pattern Machines – Alternative Histories – Part 1
- Caroline Radcliffe (Birmingham) ‘The Machinery: Challenging the Automaton. Creative Resistance and the Nineteenth Century Cotton Worker’
- Ebru Kurbak (Vienna) ‘Rewiring Women and Electronics: Textiles as
Radical Tech-Art’
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45 Pattern Machines – Alternative Histories – Part 2
- Julian Rohrhuber (Düsseldorf) ‘Merge, Weave, Trap. Programming and the
Paläoanthropology of Concepts’
- Alex McNeal (Deutsches Museum) & Dave Griffiths (FoAM Kernow, Penryn) ‘Closing the Loop between Live Coding and Ancient Greek Technology’
16:45 Sum-up and prospects
Further information at the following link:
Abstracts can be accessed at
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