Call for Papers: Theoretical Approaches to Computational Archaeology
25. Juni 2021
Call for papers
19 & 20 octobre 2021
Brno - Masaryk University - Department of Archaeology and Museology
7th annual meeting of the CE-TAG Central European Theoretical Archaeology Group
Past two decades brought us a growth in use of computational methods and big data in archaeological research. This resulted in a significant shift in the research of human past and an increasing number of publications covering a broad spectrum of topics from remote sensing applications to site distribution or network analyses. Simultaneously, a strong countermovement from the humanities part of archaeology appeared and criticized these research approaches for lacking theory or even ‘dehumanization’ of the discipline. This gives an impression of two camps in conflict with each other – mostly based on the prejudices of ‘cultural emphases’ by one group and the ‘gloss-over-culture attitude’ by the other. However, both research approaches are much needed to be used together. After all, the ‘third science revolution’ in archaeology is defined by such collaboration. How effectively do we combine the archaeological theory with computational techniques? Are there any pitfalls? Which practices should we avoid? Is computational archaeology really without theory?
Organizing committee:
- Michael Kempf
- Jan Kolář
- Petr Pajdla
- Jiří Macháček
Institute of Archaeology and Museology - Faculty of Arts - Masaryk University - Brno
The official language of the conference is English
Please send abstracts (up to 250 words ) of your paper proposals including your contact information and affiliation details by the 15th of July 2021 to
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