Theban Archaeology Meeting 2022: Announcement and Call for Papers!
21. April 2022
Call for papers
Announcement and call of papers for a new conference at Luxor in November 2022: the Theban Archaeology Meeting!
Theban Archaeology meeting 2022 logohe French-Egyptian Centre for the Study of the Temples of Karnak (CFEETK— MoTA/CNRS) is pleased to announce a new conference to be held in Luxor on the 18th and 19th of November 2022: the THEBAN ARCHAEOLOGY MEETING. The conference will take place at the Mummification Museum.
A Call for Papers is now open to all Egyptian and international archaeological missions working on both banks of Luxor to present their recent work (archaeology, restoration, etc.).
To propose your participation, please send us by email a title and an abstract of 300 words maximum by the 6th of May 2022 ( Each presentation, in English, will be limited to 20 minutes. It is also possible to propose a poster for missions that cannot be there on that date.
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