Call for Papers: ‘Graduate Workshop: Architecture and The Ancient Economy’
10. Juli 2019
Call for papers
23 September 2019, Freie Universität Berlin
Deadline CfP: 12th July 2019
Application: abstract (max. 150 words) with a short CV
Head: *Dr Dominik Maschek (University of Oxford, Associate Professor of Roman Archaeology and Art)
Organizing committee: *Thomas Heide, Paola Santospagnuolo, Anja Schwarz (PhD Candidates, FU Berlin, Institute for Classical Archaeology); Konogan Beaufay, Alice Poletto (DPhil Candidates, University of Oxford); Dr. Regina Attula (Coordinator Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies, FU Berlin)
Keywords economy, architecture, urbanism, infrastructure, construction techniques and materials, economics of construction, supply and transport of (building) material, trade, methods & methodology, technology
Like any other human creation, ancient architecture is heavily affected by economic considerations. Procurement and transportation of building material, labour requirements, and technological developments are three important (but not the only) factors which influenced the planning and construction of monuments, buildings, and urban / extra-urban infrastructures.
In the last few decades, research on the ancient economy has been constantly increasing, largely thanks to the use of a wide range of proxies and models fruitfully applied to many different questions and historical periods. The economic impact of construction processes, of the uptake of technological innovations, of architectural design and urban planning are some of the aspects that have recently been investigated more systematically and comprehensively. In this context, both large-scale perspectives – considering entire towns, their fabric and infrastructure, and their transformation over time – and micro-scale approaches have been employed to assess the connection between architecture and economy.
Addressing the outlined issue, this graduate workshop aims to offer a forum for discussion and exchange on case studies, as well as on theories, methods and approaches to the ancient economy. Young scholars (PhD candidates and post-docs) with different disciplinary backgrounds are invited to contribute by presenting their research topic within an economic framework.
The workshop will take place in the run-up to the conference ‘ARCHITECTURE AND THE ANCIENT ECONOMY’ (September 26-28, 2019, Freie Universität Berlin, organised by Prof. Dr. Monika Trümper and Dr. Dominik Maschek). This joint workshop is co-organised by graduate students from the University of Oxford and the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS), FU Berlin, and funded by the Einstein Stiftung Berlin.
The programme will be organised into thematic sessions based on the proposals. There will be time for open group discussions on different topics, for which we welcome your suggestions and ideas. Presentations should be 10-15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of discussion. The preferred conference language is English, but French, Italian and German are welcome as well. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse any costs for travel or accommodation, but there is no registration fee.
Colleagues who are interested in presenting a paper are kindly requested to submit an abstract (max. 150 words) with a short CV to by 12th of July 2019.
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