Call for Applications: New Approaches to Myths. The Second International Early Career Researchers’ Conference of the Myth Research Group STRATA
28. Juni 2024
Call for papers
Call for Applications (1st circular)
Conference and Workshops: New Approaches to Myths. The Second International Early Career Researchers’ Conference of the Myth Research Group STRATA, University of Göttingen / German Research Foundation (DFG)
Dates: March 12–14, 2025 (March 11 + 15 arrival / departure)
Location: Conference House near Göttingen (Evangelische Tagungsstätte Hofgeismar)
Organizers: DFG Myth Research Group 2064 STRATA and Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Göttingen
Funding: German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Participation costs: no tuition fee, 75% subvention of travel costs (up to 600 €), accommodation costs fully covered
Queries and applications: Dr. des. Josephine Fechner (
Aims of the conference: Researchers of myths and similar narrative materials will apply and discuss the methodological instruments of Hylistics, as developed by several Göttingen research groups, to a text stemming from one’s own research project. The workshop is guided by researchers of the Myth Research Group STRATA (spokesperson Prof. Dr. Annette Zgoll). Outstanding results may be invited for publication in the context of the Myth Research Group STRATA, pending peer review.
- study in interactive workshop groups with guided application of the hylistic methodology to one's own source material (in small groups of ca. 4 people)
- presentation and plenary discussion of the results
- plenary lectures: introduction to the latest developments in myth research as part of a narrative research theory and methods (Hylistics)
The conference will be conducted in English and perhaps, in some workshop groups, German, depending on the applicants.
How to apply: We welcome applications from graduate students and postdocs in Classics, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, or other disciplines whose textual remains include compositions with mythic content. The choice of source material (text sources of different languages, no image material) is up to the individual participants.
Preliminary requirements: Prerequisite for participation is
- knowledge of the basic theory and method of Hylistics (C. Zgoll, Myths as Polymorphous and Polystratic Erzählstoffe. A Theoretical and Methodlogical Foundation, in: A. Zgoll / C. Zgoll (eds.), Mythische Sphärenwechsel. Methodisch neue Zugänge zu antiken Mythen in Orient und Okzident, MythoS 2, Berlin / Boston, 9–82: Open Access:; A. Zgoll / B. Cuperly / A. Cöster-Gilbert, 2023, In Search of Dumuzi. An Introduction to Hylistic Narratology, in: S. Helle / G. Konstantopoulos (eds.), The Shape of Stories. Narrative Structures in Cuneiform Literature, CM 54, Leiden / Boston, 285–350: Open Access:
- philological analysis of a text from your own source material, based on your own translation (in English), to be submitted before the conference in a predefined layout format (further information on the format will be provided in due time).
Application: Please send your application materials by September 30, 2024 to the coordinator of the research group, Dr. des. Josephine Fechner ( Required application documents:
- brief description (max. 250 words) of which project in the fields of mythological or similar research you are currently working on
- an application letter in English or German explaining your motivation for participating in the conference
- a full CV
- relevant certificates of your language skills for philological analysis
For further information a website is in preparation. A second circular will be sent once the website is completed.
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