Call for Papers: New Research in the Vesuvian Cities
23. März 2022
Call for papers
Round-Table-Conference for young researchers, hybrid mode
eikones - Center for the Theory and History of the Image, University of Basel, 27 - 28 May 2022
New Research in the Vesuvian Cities
Pompeii, Herculaneum and the other cities in the area around Mt. Vesuvius undoubtedly form an important source of evidence for a number of questions in (Pre)Roman archaeology. The cities’ unique status is reaffirmed by the large number of ongoing PhD projects applying the latest research theories and methods, shedding new light on old questions.
Since several of these projects share comparable questions and approaches, a network of young researchers was formed in 2020, resulting in a first Round-Table Conference in August 2021 at the CAU Kiel. As the meeting proved highly beneficial for all participants, a follow-up conference will be held at the University of Basel in May 2022 with the financial support of eikones - Center for the Theory and History of the Image Basel, Switzerland.
The aim of these meetings is to bring together young researchers in the early stage of their career, offering them the opportunity to present their projects, discuss interdisciplinary approaches and exchange ideas with a special emphasis on methodical innovativeness. The focus of attention of this year’s conference will be to questions on images and their spatial contexts. Differing contributions are welcome as well.
The call for papers is specifically aimed at but not limited to young international researchers. Participants should currently be working on a subject concerning a PhD, Post-Doc or research project (MA thesis at least) on a subject concerning “the Vesuvius region”.
If you are interested in participating, please submit your application (in English or German) containing a short project description (1 page) and your CV to Adrienne Cornut: The deadline is April 1st 2022.
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