Propylaeum Blog

2-3 April 2025: Co-produced Rituals. Uncovering a Common Culture in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean

Avatar of Ansgar Teichgräber Ansgar Teichgräber - 18. März 2025 - Veranstaltungen

Co-produced Rituals. Uncovering a Common Culture in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean 
International Conference 
Bern, 2-3 April 2025

The "Co-produced Rituals Conference" explores the emergence and early development of so-called Abrahamic rituals, tracing them back to late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. By examining their cultural contexts, the conference aims to shed light on the complex dynamics that shaped ritual practices and their role in theological developments. Indeed, historical and anthropological studies frequently highlight what they consider to be to ritual similarities among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. When identified, these similarities have often been interpreted either as the result of one tradition influencing another or as expressions of a supposed universal impulse rooted in a shared biblical background, that would have triggered common expressions of popular piety. This conference proposes to move beyond such traditional models by analyzing both literary and material evidence. Rather than viewing these rituals merely as borrowings or parallel developments, we aim to highlight their emergence within a shared context: the ritual practices common to all inhabitants of the Roman and/or Sassanid empires.

Haus der Universität
Schlösslistrasse 5
Bern, Switzerland

Contact and Information 
Caroline Bridel: 
Maureen Attali:

The entire programm as PDF can be found here.

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